State Management in Apache Flink
PVLDB, Aug 2017
流处理除了需要具备可扩展和低延迟的特性,一个日益增长的需求是强一致性保证和对集群配置变更、patch、故障的适应性。Flink 提供的轻量分布式快照机制保证应用状态的一致性,且不影响应用程序的持续执行。
Flink 状态管理的核心建立在分布式快照之上,分布式快照能够将分布式进程回滚到之前全局一致的执行状态,这种回滚是粗粒度的,可用于解决配置变更、容错和版本管理等问题。
Distributed snapshotting protocols enable rollback recovery by producing a correct, complete state replica of a distributed execution which can be used to restore the system to an earlier point in time.
Flink 的分布式快照在 abs 中有所介绍,类似 chandy-lamport
Weakly connected graphs are inherently relevant to distributed dataflow processing systems.
Flink 的算子可以维护一些状态,包括 Keyed-State
和 Operator-State
通过 Key-Groups
分配到不同的 physical task,而 Operator-State
存在于每一个 physical task。
Operator State (or non-keyed state) is state that is is bound to one parallel operator instance.
在任务伸缩的时候能够重新分配,因而能适应 subtask 数目的变更,Flink 支持的 Keyed-State
- ValueState
- ListState
- ReduceState
- MapState
Pipelined Consistent Snapshots
一个分布式流任务可以被定时生成的 markers
切分为不同的 epoch
当一个 task 有多个 input 的时候,需要进行 alignment
,如上图中的 t3
和 t5
,快照的执行由 JobManager
可以将关键的元数据信息保存到 Zookeeper
Flink 的快照算法还依赖以下三个假设:
- Input data streams are durably logged and indexed externally allowing dataflow sources to re-consume their input, upon recovery, from a specific logical time (offset) by restoring their state.
- Directional data channels between tasks are reliable, respect FIFO delivery and can be blocked or unblocked.
- Tasks can trigger a block or unblock operation on their input data channels and a send operation (records or control messages) on their output channels.
有向无环图的 alignment
有环图则通过 IterationHead
和 IterationTail
隐式任务支持。任务可以设置忽略 aligment
来支持 Relaxing Consistency
Flink 任务的配置修改遵循 checkpoint-stop-modify-restore
算子支持 Local state
和 External state
,状态可以被声明为 Queryable State
Flink 任务依赖分布式快照算法,支持 at least once
的语义,如果要支持 exactly once
语义,则需要 sink 端为 Idemponet Sinks
或 Transational Sinks