Efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search using Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs


理解 HNSW 的关键在于理解 Skip ListNSW。NSW 具有小世界网络和可导航的特点,即 short-range link 聚类,long-range link 快速检索,HNSW 利用跳表的思想实现了 long-range link 快速检索的能力。

Hierarchical NSW algorithm can be seen as an extension of the probabilistic skip list structure with proximity graphs instead of the linked lists.

算法本身论文描述的非常清晰,了解以下三个参数对理解和使用 HNSW 都非常有帮助:

  • M — the number of nearest neighbors that each vertex will connect to. A reasonable range of M is from 5 to 48.
  • efSearch — how many entry points will be explored between layers during the search.
  • efConstruction — how many entry points will be explored when building the index.

Open Source Implementations

hnswlib 的内存 layout 如下,可以帮助理解 hnswlib 的代码:

hnswlib layout
