Understanding Insights into the Basic Structure and Essential Issues of Table Placement Methods in Clusters
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, September 2013
基于 Hadoop 生态的多种表放置方法(table placement methods)被提出并实现,CFile、Column Format、RCFile、ORC、Parquet、Segment-Level Column Group Store(SLC-Store)、Trevini、Trojan Data Layouts(TDL) 等项目都是独立完成,且缺少对它们全面系统性的研究。
- The basic structure of a table placement method has not been defined. This structure should abstract the core operations to organize and to store data values of a table in the underlying cluster. It also serves as a foundation to design and implement a table placement method.
- A fair comparison among different table placement methods is almost impossible due to heavy influences of diverse system implementations, various auxiliary data and optimization techniques, and different workload configurations.
- There is no general guideline on how to adjust table placement methods to achieve optimized I/O read performance.
- 定义了 table placement method 的基本结构(basic structure),用于指导 table placement method 的设计、抽象已有 table placement method 的实现、表征现有 table placement method 之间的差异
- 设计并实现了一个基准测试工具(micro-benchmarks)来研究不同 table placement method 的设计要素
- 全面研究了 table placement method 相关的数据读取问题,并提供了如何通过调整 table placement method 来达到优化 I/O 读取的指南
一个 table placement method 的基本结构包含三个部分:
1. a row reordering procedure fRR
2. a table partitioning procedure fTP
3. a data packing procedure fDP
从表中读取数据影响 I/O 性能的 6 个因素:
- Table organizations
- Table placement methods
- Storage device type
- Access patterns of the application
- Processing operations of the filesystem at the application level
- Processing operations of the filesystem inside the local OS
文章设计的实验主要关注以上因素 2、3、4,通过实验给出了以下建议:
- using a sufficiently large row group size
- if a sufficiently large row group size is used and columns in a row group can be accessed in a column-oriented way, it is not necessary to group multiple columns to a column group
- if a sufficiently large row group size is used, it is not necessary to pack column groups (or columns) intomultiple physical blocks.
这部分评估了从 Star Schema Benchmark、TPC-H 和 SS-DB 选取的查询。
Row Group Size 对性能的影响:
- From 4 MiB row group size to 64 MiB row group size, the elapsed times of the Map phase decrease significantly.
- when further increase the row group size from 64 MiB to 128 MiB, the change on the elapsed times of the Map phase is not significant.
Grouping Columns 对性能的影响:
- When the row group size is small, grouping columns can provide benefits in two aspects:
- because needed columns are stored together, a buffer read operation can load a less amount of unnecessary data from disks
- a less number of disk seeks is needed to read needed columns
- when the row group size is large enough, grouping columns cannot provide significant performance benefits
An optimal row group size is determined by a balanced trade-off between the data reading efficiency and the degree of parallelism.